You probably already saw it on social media, as I shared the link on Facebook and Instagram last week….
I’m nominated for the WEAR ‘educator of the year‘ award!
The WEAR Conference is a culmination of effort between the greatest minds in the world of babywearing. The conference is dedicated to providing the latest research, education and support for babywearing educators and families. (quote from
WEAR is a Mommycon babywearing conference in Chicago. There will be lots of interesting workshops for all (you don’t need to be a babywearing educator to attend).
There’s a community loom, babywearing 101 class and many exhibitors where you can shop!
The Educator of the Year award goes out to an individual who continuously leads by example.
This person is someone who is dedicated to spreading babywearing education throughout their community through providing thoughtful leadership, exemplary education practices and is invested in helping this emerging industry grow.
(quoted from: WEAR)
If you didn’t vote yet, please do. They listed me by my name (Hedwych), you can vote here. (closing in a few days!)
I would love to attend. It would be great to meet likeminded parents and learn more as an educator.
Sadly travelling overseas (+ staying in Chicago) is pretty expensive. Trying to come up with the funds somehow and if I do I will be there!
Hoping to see you in Chicago at WEAR!
For those (interested in) attending, there’s a Facebook group where you can find more information and great tips on restaurants and sightseeing in Chicago!
For those who want to help me a little bit by donating: (Thank you so much!)