If you follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook you surely have seen it: I went to Chicago!
First time for me to visit the USA, first time flying with Emile and first time to be away from the girls for so many days.
It was an amazing experience!
The flight went surprisingly well, Emile nursed and napped and nursed and napped. I found it uncomfortable to sit for such a long period, but I got some sleep too.
We arrived on Wednesday and had all day Thursday to go sightseeing in Chicago, we also went shopping and enjoyed ourselves. We met a sweet babywearing mama & went to the beach in the evening!
Cyndi, it was a pleasure to spend time with you and your beautiful daughter!
On Friday we started our day with Babywearing Yoga.
Dr. Dara DaCunha showed how yoga can also be suitable for babywearing (or pregnant, soon to be) parents. It was so much fun!
Nursing, babywearing and yoga = feeling like a bad-ass mom!
Sadly Emile had a fever, I think it was caused by the combination of air-conditioned air and the hot/humid weather outside.
This was a reason for me not to attend too many workshops / lectures. Emile couldn’t really settle, I feel like I’ve been nursing him all day 🙂
Sorry if you bumped in to me with my boob out!
The session on ”Benefits of Babywearing for Non-Gestational Parents” by MaryEllen Olsen was very interesting.
I met the Meeyoo sisters and the Tula team! (you can spot me on their blog too!)
In the evening there was a party with a babywearing battle. Three teams competed in different games. As Emile still was running a fever we left for a walk outside and when he fell asleep I joined some friends for dinner. First time Sushi for me, probably not the last time! 🙂
On Saturday I went to hear Dr. Henrik Norholt. He talked about babywearing and fathers. ”What it will do for your child, your marriage, and society”
I think I could hear him speak all day and wouldn’t get bored. He talked about attachment, hormones, affection and father-infant contact.
The workshop about Brand Partnerships by Jessica from the Leaky Boob inspired me to set higher goals and gave me more confident to reach for those goals too.
I’ve been wanting to go to the ‘Ergobaby story’ session, but Emile needed a break. We missed the ”Precautions and Special Considerations for Tandem Babywearing” session too.
I gave him something for his fever and when he started to feel better we went to the conference again (it was in the Hotel we were also staying at, so we could easily just go back to our room when needed).
Saturday evening it was time for the ‘WEAR awards’!
I went there with Emile in my wrap, but he has been crawling around and playing almost the whole time.
I won the ‘Babywearing Educator of the Year’ award and didn’t even have him wrapped up when I went on stage. 🙂
As I didn’t prepare a speech I stumbled something about being very grateful to receive this recognition as the other nominees are great educators too.
I also expressed how thankful I was (and still am) for being able to travel to Chicago. So many people (and some companies too) made it possible for me to attend WEAR!
Thank you all for your donations!
I hope you’ve all seen the WEAR! selfie post on my Facebook page. I’ve had tons of pictures taken with everyone and I loved it so much!
It has been so nice to talk to those who follow my page and I’ve even recognized some of you!
I’m really bad at remembering names, but I do remember faces pretty well.
On the last day I went to a session where Laura Brown & Mat York talked about following (and reading!) the manufacturer Instruction.
The session about mindful language (being inclusive!) was interesting too.
I’ve learned how language choices can influence communication and I will try to keep this in mind in the future!
I had to try the loom! It’s really relaxing. Finding the right pace, throwing the shuttle from one side to another.
I love the ‘weaving’ part, but wouldn’t like the beaming and all the work that goes in to it before you can start weaving.
I love talking to other babywearing educators, learn from their experiences, hear more about their favourite products and about babywearing in general in their area.
I knew most educators in the USA were less strict, compared to what I know from the German babywearing groups and educators. It’s nice to talk about these differences and learn from what they have to say about it. This also reassured me about my plans to attend other babywearing courses at different babywearing schools.
After WEAR! there was a Center of Babywearing Studies course, but when I finally had the funds to book my Chicago room & flight the course was already full.
A spot opened up just a week before WEAR! but my flight was already booked and I couldn’t change my plans anymore.
I’m now hoping to go to the course in New York later this year. I’ve started a fundraiser to gather funds to attend several courses at different babywearing schools.
I would like to learn about the differences and the knowledge behind it. When I’m finished I will share this knowledge with you all through new, improved, more videos and some blogs too.
You can also use my ‘donate’ button if you like:
What to bring on a trip?
That’s the hardest for me!
I wanted to bring a ringsling for quick up/down on the airport. Suitable for nursing too. I knew I would probably need to take it off at the security check, because of the rings.
On my way back I used a full buckle, the Fidella fusion. At the security check they didn’t even make me take it off.
I brought a Wrapcon (the Fidella Flytai babysize), a long wrap, a ringsling and a full buckle. All Fidella, different blends. (linen/cotton, bamboo/cotton, soy!)
I was hoping to buy a wrap (or 2) at WEAR! but with a cranky Emile I didn’t really get the chance to check everything out.
I did take a Babylonia wrapcon and a Beco ringsling with me.
In 2017 it will take place in Chicago again. I’m hoping to be there too!